The Experience
What is a CompuTrainer (CT)?  A CompuTrainer is a precision bicycle wheel on ergometer that measures wattage, heart rate, and cadence.  
What is a CT Class?  A CT Class enables athletes to ride on a virtual course with varying terrain which very closely simulates outdoor riding.  Each athlete brings their own bicycle to the class and sets it up on the CompuTrainer.  During the class, athletes are free to ride the course as hard or easy as they desire. Just like on the road and no one is left behind!  
How does it work?  Up to eight athletes face a large projection screen where the CompuTrainer “Multi Rider” software displays rider’s data, including name, % grade,  position,  placing, how far in front or behind the next rider, distance, speed, and power (watts). 

The Fine Print
  • 5 rider minimum for all classes
  • A trainer skewer is required 
  • Cadence magnets are recommended but not required 
  • A Heart Rate monitor is recommended but not required
  • Classes will last between 60 - 75 minutes
  • Classes are designed for all levels
  • Random Classes are added on occasion. These are independent of the regular classes and not substitutes or reschedules. 
Cancellation Policy:  In the event that classes are cancelled due to inclement weather by the Speed Shop, riders will be emailed the workout of the day. 
Absence Policy:  If an athlete must miss class during a pre-paid session for any reason, it is the responsibility of the athlete to find a substitute and arrange compensation for classes missed.  Missed classes do not qualify for a makeup class.
Injury Policy:  An athlete who will miss the remaining classes in a pre-paid session because of injury must notify the Speed Shop and pick one of following two options:
1. The athlete can retain the classes and is responsible for finding a replacement and arrange compensation for each of the remaining classes.
2. Alternatively the athlete may request a 50% refund for the remaining classes in the session.  If this option is selected the remaining classes now belong to the Speed Shop.

For special requests contact Chris at 301.788.4631 or email [email protected]
2025 Winter Classes
begin the week of January 6th

6:30 pm
Register for In Person or  
At Home Package

CompuTrainer Classes-High quality training that is FUN!!  
Improve your cycling power 20-30% and your speed by 2 to 4mph.
What is a CT Class at the Speed Shop? - CT Classes at the Speed Shop are structured workouts that include a warmup, a specific workout, and cool down.  Each workout will have a focus on either speed or strength, while all will contain drills for pedaling technique.  The classes offered throughout a session are designed based on the Periodization method of training so each class is built upon the last class.